Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture
Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture

dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture

The Darklurker is a rather strange example, as, depending on your build, he can either be the hardest boss in the game, or almost as easy as Pinwheel.Your biggest worries are the spheres of darkness she summons, which curse you immediately, and those can be almost completely negated with the right equipment. Queen Nashandra, especially with a ranged build, since she moves very slowly and can't turn around very quickly.Of course, this could be regarded as intentional, as he has long since hollowed and is barely a shell of the king who founded Drangleic were this not the case, he could very well rival Raime in difficulty, as the latter was his servant.

dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture

Although like Old Iron King, he can one hit kill you if his attacks connect. He's a Marathon Boss that you need four Giant Souls to even stand a chance against him, but once you do, he only has a few attacks that are fairly easy to avoid. The battle with King Vendrick ends up being disappointing, especially with how the game has been building up your encounter with him.

dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture

One common joke is that the Old Iron King isn't the real boss it's the hole to the right of the doorway into the arena, which kills 90% of the players who fight him for the first time (the other 10% are those who otherwise get knocked into the lava by one of the Iron King's many attacks that cause enormous knockback). On New Game Plus, though, he is a totally different monster. Considering that reaching the King requires navigating one of the toughest levels filled with powerful enemies, and a boss frequently regarded as That One Boss, it could be seen as a relief. His attacks, while powerful and capable of sending you into the lava for a One-Hit Kill, are easily telegraphed and you can hide behind a wall to evade most of them. From the moment they enter Huntsman's Copse and learn about his undead hunts and torturing them for sport to his mighty castle of iron containing some of the most formidable foes thus far to a giant fire demon literally rising out of the lava to fight you yet for all of this, he's one of the simplest bosses in the game.

  • Everything leading up to the Old Iron King has players anticipating an epic duel of awesomeness.
  • The Dragonrider though just casually can walk off, making it potentially the single easiest fight in the game. This is especially notable given two bosses from the first game, the Tarus Demon and the Iron Golem, could only be knocked off their platforms if you did specific things that the game was prepared for. On its own that would be bad enough, but for whatever reason, the boss is not programmed properly to handle the boss arena, and so it is incredibly easy to go to a specific spot or angle and watch it walk off the edge to its death.
  • The Dragonrider boss is presented as a formidable foe, but is one of the flat out easiest bosses in the game thanks to having very basic attacks that the player can easily avoid.
  • Compared to the other first bosses in the series, namely the Asylum Demon, and Iudex Gundyr, the Last Giant is a pushover. Even when he rips off an arm to use as a club, the boss only increases his range and damage, meaning a player can just easily go between his legs and attack him still provided they don't get smashed by the new angles of attack. The only notable difficulty of the fight is that the player might not do a lot of damage when they strike at him, but he's so slow that players can land a hit or two and safely roll away before they get hit. Due to his attacks having a wide arc to them, all a player needs to do is get between his legs and strike, while occasionally rolling to avoid being stomped on.
  • The Last Giant looks incredibly intimidating for what can potentially be the first boss, but is one of the easiest bosses in the game due to his moveset consisting of little more than simple swings at the player, and a stomp attack if the player is attacking his legs.
  • For that matter, there is a small camp of fans who view Nashandra as tragic and not just evil, partially brought on by her soul description which calls her a "prisoner of desire", thus implying that while she may have truly loved Vendrick, she ultimately could not move past the desire for power that is in her nature as a Child of Dark.
  • Nadalia, evil like Nashandra and Elana? Or simply broken by despair and loneliness?.

  • Dark souls 2 dark crypt blacksword retexture