The American Graduation Initiative The United States used to lead the world in the number of 25- to 34-year-olds with college degrees. Summer Melt refers to the difference between the number of college-intending high school graduates and the number of students who actually enroll in any post-secondary educational program the fall following graduation. Moreover students will benefit by developing leadership skills and learning the value of responsibility, persistence and completion. Through these organizations, Harmony Public Schools’ students will be provided opportunities to interact socially with their peers with the intent of forming lasting friendships and bonds. Student clubs and organizations must submit their club applications and be approved by the campus principal.Student clubs and organizations must have a faculty advisor who will be present at all club/organization functions.Please refer to the individual constitutional guidelines of each organization for further details. Please note that a student may hold only one major leadership position within the school year. We encourage all students to consider investing in the enrichment opportunities provided by organizational and club memberships. In order to fulfill our mission in the area of leadership and instruction, Harmony Public Schools offers a wide variety of activities to meet the needs of our student body and to broaden and support their leadership experience. Build a family timeline night (History).Create something special for non-English speaking families.After four stamps, his/her name goes into a drawing. Frequent traveler passports with students’ pictures on them-each time a parent attends an event, the child gets a stamp in his/her passport.Volunteers can help struggling students read tests, listen to their reading, and chaperon field trips.Programs for multicultural awareness and appreciation.Pumpkin decorating/pumpkin facts and scary stories.Summer make-and-take (reinforcement activities for summer).Helping your child choose alternatives to alcohol or drugs.Family adventures within one hour’s drive.

“Parenting Can Be Fun” Workshop/Conferences.Schools should also provide a variety of activities and frequent opportunities to fully engage parents such as: To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents. Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. Parents play a significant role in supporting their children’s health and learning, guiding their children successfully through school processes, and advocating for their children and for the effectiveness of schools.